The peace of God is upon you. Let that peace rest on your spirit so that fear and worry and the thought of tomorrow may slip from you, and that you may contact with that which is of Him. Holiness can only meet holiness, and the heart and mind must be prepared again and again in order to hold that peace which is only of the Spirit.
Never look back, never ask yourself why this should be or why that faces you in the future. Be certain instead that what is, is best. Not only best so far as the moulding of your character is concerned but best so far as your happiness lies during the days you journey on the physical plane.
With the children who try to find the Christ nothing can go wrong; no force of evil is strong enough to strike aside the protecting Hand of the Saviour. You are secure, secure in a way you little understand. Secure because to the best of your ability you have gathered up your will, the desires of the earth and your sorrows too, and laid them just as they are at the Feet of Him who is your Father.
Pause and think before you allow the shadows to misdirect you. Listen to the voice of the Spirit, send out your mind over the earth-barrier into the Land where sorrow is unknown and get your guidance there. For you should know that suffering on earth is joy, freedom, and happiness hereafter, and that the pains of the body and depression of the mind are but the steps which lead you ever upward, until the moment of revelation comes and you find yourself face to face with the Christ, and all is forgotten in the joy of the Lord.
Day by day try and draw yourself nearer to the things of the Spirit because, all unaware, those which relate to the material only cause you suffering. You are not akin to these things now. You seek them again and again, but the peace, the inward peace for which all must strive, is absent. Look to your weapons, turn over the basket of your mind; see what is of utility and throw the complications out and away. Retain only the things for use, because the necessary things for use in your world are closely allied to the tools of the Spirit. Set the house of your mind in order; see that no corner hides desire, for that will bring you pain. It is the setting up of the physical will against the call of the Divinity within which intends to be obeyed!
You are often called a Child of the Light! Sometimes to those so shrouded by the clouds of earth it seems almost a mockery. Light, everywhere beyond their horizon, but darkness on the planes in which they dwell! This darkness is the testing process. It is even as the fire which finds out the weakness in your armour; it is the sifting of the good from the bad; it is the separation of the weeds from the flowers; it is the dedication of the heart and mind to God. All these things have from the beginning of time been worked out in darkness, in the solitude of the wilderness, in the isolation of the soul. So it seems to the sufferer, but you should reverse the picture entirely.
The darkness is only there to try your courage. The agony of the fire is but the creation of the imagination to see whether you flinch from suffering to that degree that you turn and flee from good. All the storms and turmoil are only there to your suffering mind.
Could you but step free of the physical, free from the things that shackle and tie you, you would see that the darkness was but a myth. Not only was the light over the horizon, but the Light of the World Himself was by your side, helping, strengthening, and lending tender Hands to undo that which binds, so that the children who would love and serve Him might be free to enter into the Peace which only pain can bring. You are one with that Light which defies not only the powers of physical darkness, but even the great exponent of darkness itself.
This is simple fact, and you must try and get the spiritual vision, when sorrow could strike you no more, when the darts of evil would be seen in all their powerlessness, and when courage and endurance would present no difficulty, because of the Tower of Strength by your side.
There is so much to do, so much preparation needed in order to fit the hearts and minds of the children of earth for the revelation of the great Truth. It is time now that that preparation was put in hand, for when the Spirit comes, to the unready it will mean anguish unexplainable. It will be as the golden gates closed to their longing gaze, because the only key which can open the gates of the celestial spheres is faith and patience and the capacity for long suffering. "I am the Door" said the Lord, but before the Door is reached this path has to passed first. Steep is the climb, and the way of the traveller is beset by ill because they look to the left and to the right, and once you take your eyes off the Master, so sorrow intervenes and progress is delayed.
There is one way and one way only to happiness and freedom and that is the way of earthly experience; taken while in the physical body or, if God wills, to come back after the physical body is laid aside and help to bear the burdens of another. None can escape the upward climb. The clever ones who think they have evaded the judgement of their own spirit find to their cost later on that not only do they have to take the rough hill-side but, by their evasions, have built up many obstacles which are against the Divine purpose and which exact much to cast aside.
If you could see the vision glorious, if you could look back over the past with its sad days and its bad days, and see the winding river of Light which bore you on, on into that great sea of God's love, the revelation of the things that will be, brought by the things that have been, shall be thrown open to your wondering gaze.
Raise your eyes to the hills from where your help came. There shines the sun of God's love and understanding. When you cannot feel the Saviour by your side just raise your eyes to the sun which shines over your sorrowful, sin-laden world, and in that sun visualise the protection of the Father. At night the stars bear witness to Him, and the wind that blows cold and rough cannot shut you off from that. Now and again the clouds drop low and hide these outward signs of the Divine mind, but even then you have within the Voice which speaks and tells you that He is with you always, even to the end of the world! That reassurance should hold you fast until the clouds break and the blue of God's heaven is revealed once more.
In that phrase you have your explanation and you have your assurance of the future. To the patient watchers the Star has come! That Star which is God's Truth; the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the minds of those upon earth which shall remain for ever, revealing itself in added beauty to those that know and allowing itself to be discovered again and again by those who have sufficient desire to seek the lonely hill-side and wait for the sign to come. Although you would call yourself an impatient watcher, because that patience held good in the degree that you did not turn back, in God's sight you are a patient watcher to whom the gifts of the Spirit should be bestowed in the measure that you can hold them.
Fling off the grey garments of grief and reclothe yourself in hope and faith and love! Go forward outwardly and inwardly a child of the Light and follow the guidance of the Master. . It is enough to wish for spiritual wisdom for that wisdom to come. It is sufficient to ask for holiness, which is the gift of God, for holiness to descend upon you. It is in God's sight a sign of purity to wish to be pure, and that shall be demonstrated in the days to come!
Look to your tools and cast aside the rubbish of the physical mind. Like a warrior ready for battle go forward with the Name of the Christ upon your lips, and as you progress that which represents devastating forces shall prove even as the phantoms of the night, which the first streak of the dawn disperses for the whole grand day; the day which is God's day and the open plain which is that of the spirit only. There gathered to your side, sensed sometimes, it is true, but mostly unaware, there are vast crowds of your friends, of those who wish to be your friends, and still further off, those who wish to be counted even as the followers of your friends. This mighty army from the spiritual spheres are gathered around you, and loneliness should be impossible because of the sweet companionship on either side.
With the children of the Light there is no night, no twilight, only re-awakening day, which beckons ever to its side the brightness of other days, until at last all is blended into the glory which comes from God, and then you will be able to echo from the depths of your very soul that God's way was best, is best!
It is certainly very cold on earth. But you have been constructing, all unconsciously, many little bridges from your world across to the Spirit World. If you could see these little bridges you would think you had wandered into fairyland, but they are there literally, only in such a delicate pattern that the world could not produce them even if it brought all its resources into conjunction for that purpose.
You need to grasp what this thought means. You see what can be done unconsciously. Spiritual constructions of exquisite beauty are brought into being by your wish to get into contact with the spheres which lie beyond the physical and the material; not much more. You cannot take in much more than this. Try how you will but all you can visualise beyond your own plane is a bright edge of that which belongs to the spiritual.
Unconscious thought can create what has been described. Now think for one moment what conscious thought and definite effort can bring into being. The power is unlimited!
By the dedication of your life you can create bridges from the Seen to the Unseen, and by determination and by purification you can get the strength to traverse these bridges yourself. At this stage those from the other side cross on what you have built up. Now you see the difference! Is it not worth the struggle? It is true that it is a great privilege that those who have passed to God can come back and demonstrate their presence in this way, but it is incomparable to the privilege offered to those while in the physical body; that throwing aside space, physical limitations and the million entanglements of the shadows and stepping free and unrestricted into the realms of the Spirit.
When you get a little further on there is much to unfold before you, but you cannot do it until you bring into active use those hidden resources within you. Now is the time to act, the time has passed when you can leave everything to the Spirits; it is now that you should find yourself!
You have built up around yourself suitable conditions; you have trained your mind and have done your best to curb your will. This was the necessary preparation for your emancipation; and you have been told the next step.
Of course it needs courage and, above all, determination and patience. Without the strong staff of patience you cannot get anywhere. You know the way to get these weapons; by prayer, by dedication and by watchfulness over self. It will be hard to accomplish this, but strive and strive again, and God will make good that which you failed to do yourself.
You should feel very happy indeed because God has chosen you and is using you to manifest His love and the blessing which rests upon humanity. For the Christ, in coming into the world, lifted you from your sin and shame; and by demonstrating purity and endurance and faith He brought those same gifts within the reach of all.
God calls upon you to rise and follow in the steps of the Crucified; not to the Cross but to the Gate of Revelation, when sorrow is no more and the joy and peace and love of God is enshrined in your heart and mind for all Eternity!
There is love all around you, above you and even beneath your feet, could you but see it. Love gets in everywhere and nothing, nothing can shut it out.